We are a fully independent group of companies specialised in managing complex IT projects and systems.
Our vision and values
Arηs analyses complexity and delivers simplicity in order to improve our society through reliable, efficient IT Systems. Our vision is to be the most caring and reliable IT company on the marketplace for both our clients and our people. Our values are: caring, agility, excellence, innovation, continual improvement. Our values support our vision by leveraging excellence, striving for results, ensuring commitment and promoting adaptability.
Our culture
We work in close partnership with our customers, turning their needs into benefits; We promote a dynamic local environment where both young and experienced people can realize themselves; We believe in state-of-the-art technologies and bleeding-edge methods; We leverage a flexible, independent, and responsive organisation.
Our brand
Name Arηs (pronounce [aris]) comes from Greek mythology. Arηs is the son of Zeus and the God of War – in our eyes, an accurate representation of the intelligence, strategy, leadership and vision that are essential in business. The “η” is a Greek eta, pronounced [i] in modern Greek. Our logo is a blend of the Greek letter eta and a Greek soldier’s helmet.

Turnover (Mio. eur)


EBIT (Mio. eur)
Our Story
Our Partners
When work meets fun
We are fuelled by passion

View our annual report
Annual report